Thoughts I encountered while my internet was down... the time you read this it'll most probably be the end of this month. Well, while visiting friends and family I have some slight trouble using the internet; hence, my absence. Honestly, it bothers. I'm not obsessed with the internet, blogging, myspacing or facebooking but I love to stay in touch with people and see how everyone's doing while I'm away. And, I like to update everyone on my whereabouts. Unfortunately, I am not able to do this... It's April 14 at 8pm and all I want is to check Emails, make sure my flight back to Europe leaves as scheduled and well, I just need it. Once a day is enough but once it has to be. So, I just came up with this little "past blog" of mine. I'm handwriting this and the minute I adjust to life back in Europe I'm going to post this. Silly, I know but I want to do this. I'm trying to keep this short and here we go: It sure was a perfect day today. Started out beautifully with sun, blue sky, no name it. I thought it was the perfect time for shopping. I really did go out shopping! My money's gone now but I satisfied my needs and my wardrobe is now renewed. And well, I also enjoyed the sun on our patio today overlooking the water and just indulged in the moment. Love it in California. Always have and always will. I so can never get enough of this!!!!
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