May 13, 2013

Monday Morning Gossip - The Color Run

Good morning everyone.
Let's just say my weekend was long, colorful, and sleepless. :) But it was good.

Besides the usual last-minute final stress (two more weeks, two more weeks), I managed to crawl out of bed at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning so I could volunteer at a marathon in the middle of nowhere. The city girls, my roommate M. and I, were thrown into the wilderness. We had to read a pamphlet explaining what to do when meeting/seeing/spotting mountain lions. You should have seen our faces and heard our discussions. We survived three hours of volunteering, handing out water and Gatorade, not getting attacked by wild beasts, and cheering the running crowds on. Oh yes, they were running 20k's and 12k's. Impressive. I couldn't do that. 

But I could do the following 5k again. :)

The Color Run!!

 I'm impressed my phone made it without getting any color on it.

My friend's work was crazy enough to do that same exact run, too.
OneScreen Team in full force and all clean right before the run started. :)

On our way closer to the end we decided to slow down because funny group pictures had to be taken. :) Never mind my face!

My friends and I had a blast...we were seven people, plus the OneScreen some point we lost each other but made sure to somehow find each other again. It was a colorful blast. One I'll be gladly doing it again next year (for a quick recap: last year's photos).

I'm still having pink on my skin since yes, that's the color that stays on the longest. Scrubbing, soap and whatnot sometimes help, but I love my skin too much and don't want to over scrub my I really don't mind having some pink stains a little longer than usual. I'm sunburned, but energized. The Color Run isn't just a run, it's a fun-factor and brings people together. Glad I did it again, and glad my friends could join too.

That's my gossip for today.
I'm linking up with Leeann and her weekly Monday Morning Gossip. You should, too. ;)


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Unknown said...

It looks SOOOOO fun! That's interseting that pink stayed the longest. Purple was the one that stayed the longest and stained the most on all of us. We had a purple tub for a week before I could get around to scrubbing it. And that's awesome your phone didn't get any chalk on it.

Lauren said...

every time i see someone's pictures from the color run i get jealous! looks amazing!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I'm glad you did it again! Maybe I'll do it again one day...when I don't have bleached hair anymore haha!

Thanks for linking up!

Shelley said...

I am thinking about doing my first 5k next month and it's a color run!


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