January 10, 2014

Friday Fancies - New Year New Me

A New Year usually means a New Something. We set up goals, so-called New Year's Resolutions, and usually fail to follow through. As for me, years ago I started to not make any resolutions just because I know myself well enough and will not even bother forcing me to do something I will simply fail at anyways. However, there are a few things I am changing this year: My school/job, my wardrobe, my clutter/non-clutter, my cultural engagements (as in going more to museums, concerts, trips, etc), and my friendships. I will improve and I will feel better! I already know.

For this weekend, and for this entire month I am trying to clean my closet - this means taking out everything I have not worn in months if not years and give it to a shelter or to someone I know will appreciate a halfway new item (there is no shame in wearing used clothes my readers!). I already got rid of a whole junk of clothes about two months ago, three weeks ago and will probably add more to that list. As much as I love that one pair of pants, or that colorful top or T-shirt or what not...if I don't wear it on a regular basis or even remember I had it, then it is simply not worth keeping it. It takes up too much space for nothing. Plus, do I really want to wear a T-shirt I bought ten years ago? It no longer fits. My style changed, my body changed, and well, my attitude too. 

So, here's to a New Me in style or at least wardrobe!!! Wish me luck.
I'm linking up with Long Distance Loving and her Friday Fancies. Her topic? New Year: New Me. So, here's a compilation of what items I will focus on this year or at least in the next three months - as in, get, keep, and wear/use for a long time - a fresh look will brighten my every day. I can already tell. 

2014 Compilation

What do you think?
I need blazers, new pants, new tops, new flats and sandals, and a few dresses - all within budget, color, style and well girlieness (I am sure I just made this word up). I have enough scarves, daytime bags, stockings, and jeans and cardigans. Just not those essential items a girl needs and a statement necklace and a travel bag are needed.

Here's hoping I find some of these items this or next month. I don't want to look 18 anymore or 22. I don't want to look my age either because that is just sad...but at least I want to look put together, happy, and comfy.


Janna Renee said...

I've been struggling with finding age appropriate clothes too. I can't fit in things that are for my 'demographic', but I can't 'fit' in all the Juniors stuff anymore either! Luckily, I don't really need anything, because I buy mostly classic stuff. It makes it hard to weed out, because I still want to wear everything I have, so it's a process!

Nicole Marie said...

great resolution. i really want to do that too. even though i've moved a lot in the last 2 years theres always cleaning out that can be done. i just don't want so much stuff!


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