Thanks to findstuff22 on photobucket I get to enjoy this day today.
I want to be the girl blowing bubbles and not having a clue what the future brings.
My thoughts are all clear now, and believe it or not, certain not-so-funny issues aren't solved yet but additional issues apparently are known and heard about and there's going to be a long and heavy talk about this. Oh well, whatever that means...we'll see. All I know now is that the girl with the bubbles is my daily inspiration - at least for today.
One more day and we can call it a heavy, dramatic, and confusing week. The city I live in has a huge party going on this Saturday and even though I'm so not in the mood for any festive activities I'm actually looking forward to it. Live concerts of famous Swiss artists and all that for free...who's complaining?!?! Besides, have I mentioned our artists are eye candies of their own kind. Yummy.
I love the pic. thanks for sharing. well, I must say I wish I was that girl too...
such a great pic
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