March 7, 2016

Weekly Hopes {32}

Last week was fun, wasn't it? I took time off blogging and literally did nothing and still did so much. Ha! You know what I mean, don't you? Life takes over and sometimes all you have to do is let it happen and not fight it. 

It is yet another day in rainy California. I am not complaining. We are in desperate need of some saturation. With that in mind, let's hope I get to accomplish something this week. Rain tends to stop plans and slow everything down. Plus, most people do not know how to drive in the rain. Stay save out there!

My Weekly Hopes this week consists of...

1. Another massage to get this stubborn muscle under control
2. Sending out a few goodies to people
3. Buy some flowers to brighten our gray and rainy days {part of my spring list}
4. Finish a book
5. More House of Cards
6. A new bottle of red wine
7. Working on great opportunities that will last forever
8. Writing more blog posts 

I have eight hopes and wishes for this week. Truly working on accomplishing these. Wish me luck, guys. What are you hoping to accomplish this week?

Happy Monday!



mypixieblog said...

Sometimes you just need a break from life--and blogging! Sounds productive, but hope you were able to get some relaxation in there, too!

And great list--massages are the best. Hope you have a great week and welcome back!

PS: I must be the only one NOT watching House of Cards. I promise to get on that!

Kim {Hope Whispers} said...

A massage sounds great! My wish list for this week is a bunch of cleaning/organizing. I need to go though my boys closets and donate all the small clothes. Get rid of anything old and expired in my pantry too. Organize my linen closet and get my front yard under control. LOL

Unknown said...

Love your weekly hopes. Especially the wine. :)

Katie said...

Sounds like you have a week of fun, good times and a decent amount of work ahead! I will be watching a decent amount of Dexter this week..I'm almost done with the series!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great little break and a excellent place to pick back up again and get into the work and joys of life! :) Good Luck and Happy Monday! I love the idea of flowers, I want to get more in my house during spring too!

Unknown said...

Inspiring! I like how they're hopes instead of 'goals'! Cheers!


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