October 3, 2014

How to Declutter in 30 Days {Or Not}

If you follow this blog for a while you know I like to clean out my closet or anything in our place during spring and fall. The usual spring cleaning involves switching from winter clothes to lighter spring/summer clothes and of course vice versa. It not only helps me get rid of clothing items I no longer fit in, want, or think are cute it also helps me feel better about myself. Yes, it makes me feel better. Having less in my closet and drawers lets me enjoy what I own and makes choosing an outfit easier and special. I come up with new combinations that I would have not thought of before. 

While getting rid of clothes and accessories and all is good I always forget to get rid of clutter in other areas. Our closet is not the only thing. There's so much more to organize, get rid of and make it look good again {at least for the time being}. While browsing for ideas I came across a 30-Day Declutter Challenge. I was a little shocked to see this list and read through but when you think about it, it makes sense. You don't want to clean and organize all in one day. One area per day seems logical and will make the process {fall cleaning} so much easier and more fun.

How to declutter in 30 Days:

Day 1 - Fridge
Day 2 - Pantry
Day 3 - Kitchen equipment
Day 4 - Linen closet
Day 5 - Medicine cabinet
Day 6 - Makeup and Skin Care products
Day 7 - Jewelry
Day 8 - Clothes
Day 9 - More clothes
Day 10 - Underwear drawer{s}
Day 11 - Accessories {scarves, belts, bags}
Day 12 - Shoes
Day 13 - Junk drawer
Day 14 - Car
Day 15 - Garage {if no garage: more car or car cleaning supplies, etc}
Day 16 - Desk/Table{s}
Day 17 - Books and Magazines
Day 18 - Receipts, Mail, old Paperwork
Day 19 - Data on the DVR, and on the computer, and phone
Day 20 - Gadgets and accessories {do we really need those empty batteries around: recycle them}
Day 21 - Media {DVDs, VHS, Games}, and board/card games, toys
Day 22 - Storage
Day 23 - Travel items
Day 24 - Entryway
Day 25 - Pet items
Day 26 - Craft supplies
Day 27 - Holiday decor {Easter, 4th July, Fall, Winter, Vday, Birthdays}
Day 28 - Gifts
Day 29 - Kid items {if no kids, then anything else like extra blankets, cleaning supplies for the house}
Day 30 - Anything you have not touched yet {patio, flowers and plants} or then just relax and sit back.

It is October 3 already...so yes, today I will be looking at the kitchen equipment. Since we moved a few months ago most of our items are new, but some are older so I might as well check with those and see which ones I still need/like and which ones still work or could work better. I either go right out and buy a nice replacement {if the budget allows it} or I will suck it up and work around the older not so well-working equipments. Fingers crossed.

Cleaning the fridge was an easy task...we have a small fridge, and the pantry is kind of non-existent so that was quite nice as well. I now know what we still have and need to use in the next three months. Loved the first two declutter days - I am a happy girl.

IF you don't feel like following a daily challenge {some people don't like that idea, or feel overwhelmed} I would only clean out the closet, shoe area, and bathroom/makeup section. It's where we have the most and hardly let go of most. I am looking forward to completing this challenge because it is my first challenge {besides my instagram #100happydays "challenge" I am currently working on}. I will feel so much happier come November 1 when I have a cleaner, less clustered home.

Are you fall cleaning?

image via weheartit


Allison said...

I'm not much of a follow a list person with things like this, but I definitely have been on a massive declutter binge, particularly with clothes and books, which I seem to hoard! This looks awesome though and the list is definitely a great starting point :)
Enjoy your weekend, love!

Tricia Nae said...

I need to do this!! SOOO bad. I hate clutter and yet, I'm surrounded by it!! Going to copy your list! :)


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