September 3, 2009

How We (Or I) Operate

It feels like as if I'm running while trying to read through all these exciting blog stories and daily inspirations. I'm not, that is for sure. Though I'm reading one, and before I know it I've read over 50 entries and my eyes are read, tired and sore. Time to relax and calm my precious eyes but the urge to read on is stronger...

My (current) favorite blogs I've been catching up on...and I don't really have favorites (they change by the topic and minute!) but they are:

* Must Fine Toes
* A "cheery" disposition
* Living and Loving In L.A.
* Too much to see, the world keeps turnin'
* My Wooden Heart
* Everyday Delights
* Crafting Happiness...My Way
* Wandering DC

Thank you all for being inspiration to me, on a very much needed daily basis! Brings home back to me! ;)

xoxo Happy Thursday!


Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Awww you're so sweet! I love reading your blog too, it always gets me thinking and I love your pictures and evergy!

Sara said...

I love my reader :D and I LOVE catching up on blogs x

Nicole Leigh said...

These are great blogs! Thanks for sharing! My follow list is getting huge!


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