February 5, 2010

Fill In The Blank...

Lauren's an awesome person. Period. And her *fill in the blank friday* posts are such a great idea...just to either start or end Fridays...today, I'm gonna start my day with this...and will have a huge smile on my face just for saying what's going on in my precious mind! ;) Ha!
If you want to play along or just read what others used for their *fill in the blank friday*, hop on over to Lauren's terrific blog. :) You won't be disappointed!

So, here's my version for today...

1.  If I had two hours to myself today, I'd  take a hot bubble bath, listen to my favorite chill out music, and then walk around naked! ;) haha! Ok, scratch that last part, I watched FRIENDS again and well, that one episode was on where Rachel had the apartment to herself and didn't know what to do and ended up dancing. Naked. I won't be doing this. Maybe.

2.  If I could travel anywhere today, I would go to  VENTURA, CA ♥ .

3.    Being picked up at the airport by my friend R.   is my happiest memory.
(yes, maybe silly, but I haven't had that many happy moments/memories in my life. Yet.)

4.  Sometimes you're   easygoing   other times you're  so annoyingly uptight  .

5.  Beauty is   infinite and lasts forever .

6.  I would be embarassed if anyone knew  how hard it is for me to speak my own mother tongue. I never seem to find the right words, verbs, adjectives, or expressions...to me this is embarassing sometimes. People must think I'm a total loser. But it's just all so natural. We can't be perfect every single day, can we?!

7.  Love at first sight is  something I am not familiar with, and even if, it happened with a guinea pig at one time...but with a real person...love grows, and I'm not entirely sure if love at first sight can happen...but if it does please hit me soon! Thanks! ;)  

This was fun!!! 

Happy Friday everyone!!!!!


P.s. and I just know that I'm gonna post something else later on today....


Kelly said...

Mmm, #3 makes me think of one of my favorite memories too-- getting picked up at the airport by my dad the fall after we moved to Minnesota. I was SOOO homesick for Kansas and it makes me tear up a bit just thinking about that day :-)

Hope you're having a fantastic day! PS- go take that relaxing bath! ;-)

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

you are too sweet with all your nice words about me :). i'm blushing!

your answers were great....especially how you'd spend 2 extra hours. it made me laugh.

hope you have a lovely day girly and thanks for playing ♥.

Katinka said...

love this post. And what's wrong with the "run around naked part"? :) lol

Brittan said...

I agree on the bubble bath, that would be so nice today, it was soooooo cold!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I don't know if it was love at first sight for me and the hubs, but it sure didn't take long that's for sure!


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