October 30, 2009

Where The Story Ends

One more day!!! I feel so sad I can't be around giving out candy and stuff. Even though we all know it's not good for the little ones to eat candy and all kinds of sugery stuff, I still miss those nights where I spent hours with a ton of self-made bags filled with all sorts of unhealthy things waiting until the door bell rang and then I went and enlightened their day/afternoon/night (depending on age) with some treats!!!
People at the house at some point wanted to stop this and give the kids really healthy things instead. I thought they were nuts. We had discussions over this, and ended up having both...the healthy and the unhealthy kind. Parents apparently loved the idea, kids not so much. We ended up with most of the healthy kind, and ate all of it the next day or so. Though Halloween isn't just about the candy and the costume, though let's face it we love those parts!!!

One more day and then this Halloween obsession of mine ends. At least for now.
I'm gonna miss pumpkins, and the color orange!!! ;)

It is Friday!!! Can't believe how fast this week went by.
I'm not feeling any better and this literally stinks but I can't do much about it.
Trying to distract myself a little. And trying to cheer up because Christmas is around the corner, and I so need to finish Christmas shopping like by yesterday!!!! I'm way behind but I blame it on my weird health situation. No one wants to think of Christmas or buying Christmas gifts when feeling sick. I'm getting better though, and well, I'm hoping the shopping is getting better too because so far I've found nothing...not that there isn't anything to buy but the gifts have to be special, useful, and well, not incredibly heavy because they'll be sent overseas and that my lovelies costs a fortune (postal service is way too expensive in here)...not to mention the items I have to find first (they aren't cheap either). I miss Target!!! I miss my favorite boutique downtown Ventura, too. They might have what I'm looking for...they always have something...but here?! Boutiques are so overpriced I get shocked each time I pass by one. Shocked is the wrong word...I'm terrified to even go in that's how expensive it is! My wallet yells at me not to go in and I always listen. So, let's hope I get to go out today and find some more affordable gifts...

image sources: weheartit


Skyes Scribbles said...

be creative about the gifts you get. maybe a picture frame and candle and add your own touch to them, maybe a soft sweater and spary your perfume on it.

i would love that as a present. im not a materialistic person anyways though. i always love the gifts my sister make me. they get clear candle holders adn write quotes on the side of them in small paint markers! those things will be in myhouse for forever!

Have a good weekend! feel better and don't eb sad! Holidays are coming up. you're supposed to be happy my dear! oh and check EBay out! you can enevr go wrong there!

Manju said...

such an evil looking pumpkin! it's eating the smaller one O_O
funny ^^

Mara said...

haha I hated the healthy candy! I never ate it but my parents tried to get me to!

The SSS Sophisticate said...

I used to hide my candy in my bed and eat it at night! Wish I still had that metabolism!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I am going to miss seeing the color orange too!!!

Annie said...

i plan to leave my pumpkins and fall decor out through thanksgiving!! haha! i'm not ready to give it all up yet, not until the day i decorate for christmas!! i love christmas!! i wish i had more shopping done as well. i have no gift ideas this year, wish people would tell me what they wanted so i could get my shop on ;)

cheer-up little butter-cup and have a GREAT WEEKEND!! XO!


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