October 14, 2009


There are days I just have a thing or two for one particular color...whether it is blue, green, yellow, red, purple, black, white, pink, brown or orange...I would have to find all sorts of things that come in that color. Today, it is pink. Light, dark going into magenta or almost purple...I don't care. You may say "hey, that's a girl color!". Well, so it is a girl color but I don't care. After all I am a girl. Then again, it's October and it's still Breast Cancer Awareness month so this color fits just perfectly! Plus, it brings back summer...or late spring with its blossoms...


All pictures from www.weheartit.com


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I big puffy HEART cherry blossoms! Despite living there for almost a year and visiting a couple times a year usually, I have yet to see them blossom. One of these days...

Skyes Scribbles said...

i love colors too! i am glad some of us apprecaite colors! Imagine if we only saw the world in Black and White, BORING! Pink is a lovely color! Mine is Green today! There was something about the color green in my color that just stuck out this morning!

Anonymous said...

i love that color of pink! especially in the cherry blossom trees! so pretty! thanks for stopping by my blog! i love making new blog friends :)

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I am ALWAYS a pink kind of girl!


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