If you know me you know I go gaga when it comes to certain magazines. Even worse when they are super cheap compared to what I normally have to pay - then I really go nuts. I ended up buying so many, it made my suitcase heavy. Not too heavy though. ;)
So, reading one of my many magazines last night I found the following and just thought I needed to share this with y'all. :)
"Friends are everything. It's another form of family. Loyalty, honesty, and dependability: that's it right there. Lending a kind hand or being there for a friend, it's not just altruistic - there's something that benefits everybody."
Jennifer Aniston
If you know me you also know that I can get very emotional at times. I tend to lock myself in and ignore the world and once I enter reality I act as if everything's fine and perfect - even during the very dark times. Acting school paid off well. Oh wait, I never went! For the past few days I've been dealing with all kinds of feelings, and my emotions have been on a constant rollercoaster. It feels absolutely surreal. There are no words describing how I'm feeling, when I'm feeling, and why I'm feeling. I just am. It's who I am and who I always will be. Music, pictures, and supportive e-mails, texts, and messages make it all easier and at the same time harder. Though, positive thoughts are what keeps me going. Remember? I'm making sure to live life as positively as even possible. Miss my friends and family, and I know I will see them soon again!!!
Enjoy a few random pictures...
I had to take this picture...I love Christmas!!
I love sunsets...
...or dawn in general.
Wouldn't be complete with palm trees!!!
We also went out to see some snow...but we hardly took pictures...and those that we took are not blog worthy! ;)
Los Angeles and its infinite beauty...
I don't know what made me laugh this ugly laugh. :( I need to bleach my teeth! ;)
And excuse the hair...it was windy I think!
Sometimes you just need desserts... :)
Meeting Sierra from
OceanDreams was one of my highlights!
She's such a sweet person, and I'm glad we're friends!
Read what we did that day
And really, excuse my hair and bad photo quality.
Night pics are never good...but can you see the sunset?!
Chilling in my Christmas T-shirt...on Christmas Day of course!
Or enjoying the water! My feet were in there too. Not at all cold! ;)
I love pictures like this one...they calm me!
My cravings for the sun and ocean will never go away...
...they are part of me! ;)
Hope you enjoyed them.
Hope you are having a fabulous Thursday!
This week went by fast!
♥ Selma ♥