January 31, 2010

Walking Snow Woman

I survived Saturday!!!
Not just at work.
It was a pretty low day, and I headed home at two in the afternoon to take a nap. Sometimes I feel like an old lady. After the nap I was ready to stay in but knew I had to get ready and head out again.
There was a snow storm in town; actually quite beautiful. I was a walking snow-woman and couldn't see a thing. I headed up about 300 stairs to attend a birthday party (with obvious leg pain - I'm so out of shape!). Dinner was excellent, conversations super funny (I finally laughed again - thanks to my friends L., C. and F.) and the whole evening was definitely worth a lot of things. We all headed over to another party (just two of us had to really attend and we just tagged along) and I ended home in one piece at two in the morning. It sure felt like an incredibly long day.
You may think "yay, she finally did something fun". It was ok. I should have stayed and not gone to the second party. Don't get me wrong. I saw people I hadn't seen in weeks which was okay. The only thing that really bothered me was the fact that people smoked. It's very common here and it really sucks. People smoke inside!!! My hair smells like smoke, not to mention my clothes...I feel like a walking cigarette or something. Plus, yes, my lungs hate me right now. I'm gonna see my doc tomorrow (if you're reading this, please have my inhaler ready, thanks in advance).

But I survived Saturday.

Sunday is yet to come...but it won't be anything special. The usual kind...work, and a bit more work...and then I'm heading home as quickly as even possible so I can go to bed right away and wake up at 5 again!
Gotta love my life...not!

Happy Sunday!!!


January 29, 2010

Friday Funny - Put a Sock on It

Keeping Up With Kelly & Co

Kelly's way to end the week and start the weekend! Gotta love her for that!
If you want to read more fun stories or anything that cheered you up this week hop on over to Kelly's (and join the fun).

Just when I thought I'd be lacking fun in my life I come across this:

Overheard in your dining room …

F: Hey new chair, you’re looking mighty sturdy.
C: You’re quite polished yourself. Should we do something about it? (Wink.) 
F: Not unless you use protection, mister!

C: I wouldn’t even think about touching you without my new Personality Socks. They fit snugly around my legs, and they’re thick — so I won’t make a mark on you that could last forever. 
F: Phew. And I see they come in stripes, tube, or argyle designs.

C: For your pleasure.

Of course F stands for floor and C for chair. ;)
I just thought it was super cute and somewhat funny.

Trust me, if it was easier to find fun right now I'd be gladly sharing fun...but apparently it's not happening in my area. Weirdest and saddest things ever for right now is I cannot remember a moment I laughed this week or in the past month!!!! Oh, okay....that's a lie. I cried while laughing when I watched reruns of Friends the other day. I totally forgot it was this funny and Chandler really able to crack me up each time. Loved it. I literally cried and it felt good. But in all honesty...I think I haven't laughed in a very long time and I'm hoping to change this soon. Wish me luck!!!

I think that 's about it from me...three entries in one day is what I will never do again...hopefully. haha! Just felt like it. Who knows what the weekend brings.
I have to work Saturday and Sunday (as freakin' always) and then on Saturday I have to quickly head home, take a nap, shower and change and head on out to some birthday party or so. Not so sure what that is going to be like. Not really looking forward to it either. Don't get me wrong I love birthdays but this party is going to be weird...good weird, but also bad weird. Not so sure. I know more by tomorrow 6pm. Woohoo!

And yes, we're still having snow over here.
I hope it's going to stop and I won't have to walk at 6am through all kinds of icy stuff...so not cool.

Happy Friday everyone and happy weekend, too!


Fill in the blanks...

So, the lovely Lauren over at  the little tings we do started this "Fill in the Blanks" Friday special. Love it. if you want to participate check her blog out here.

My answers today are the following...

1.  If I weren't a  front desk receptionist/secretary/hopeless romantic/unhappy soul   I'd love to be  an international student advisor/actress (haha)/more hopeless romantic/and a super happy soul with lots of fun in life .

2.  When I'm super upset I  go lay down on my bed, listen to fantastic music, maybe cry, and then just take a very long nap - or, I go online and do some work there  .

3.  My favorite thing about myself is   my eyelashes, lips,  hands and my kindness  .

4.  If I found a $100 in the pocket of last winter's coat I'd spend it on   clothes or bags or shoes or all togther at once, that's for sure .

5.  Even though some people might consider this a flaw, I love  being only a bit taller than 5'1...it's not a flaw it's super fun and somewhat girlie .

6.  I love the way I feel  after a bubble bath in my chill-out, lounge pants and hoodie with some hot coffee in my hand  .

7.  I love my hair most when it's    it's messy but clean messy...just after it's blowdried and doesn't want to sit right but still looks sexy in some very unfashionable way.

Want more of this? Hop on over to Lauren's fabulous blog and read more fun answers.
Happy Friday...stay tuned...I'm sure there's another entry following this one...



Ok, it's Friday...and it's time to do some things today.
I stayed home all day yesterday and enjoyed not doing one bit at all.
Granted, I was bored! But it was okay. I caught up on Heroes Season 3, on some blogs, tried to change my layout and failed big time, tried to clean my room and failed a second time, tried to work out and failed miserably due to the cold air coming in...and literally went back to bed every time my attempt to do something fun or new failed. Needless to say I slept a lot. Maybe it was needed. Kinda scared me, because sleeping all the time can be fun but it also is a sign my body's exhausted...maybe more than just exhausted.

So, anyways...I woke up today, and found an interesting youtube video in my mailbox. I wanted to share this with ya. That's about it. :)  At least for right now.
Who knows...I might be in the mood for some blogging today...we shall see...

Have fun watching the entire video...kinda interesting.


January 28, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow...let it snow...

Snowed in today...it's my day off and it's just so ugly outside...still snowing and cold and all that...I'm staying in my cave with my laptop, fun movies, dried apple slices, and dirty laundry. I won't be bored. For sure!

Have a terrific day!!!


January 27, 2010

Where in the World...


 I don't have much time today to do anything...Wednesdays are my Wishful Wednesday Topic Days...
...and I was already almost behind that one. Had a busy day, and am so exhausted it's not even funny. I could literally go back to bed and sleep...and it's not even 7pm yet. Or 10 for that matter.
But I digress.
So, since I didn't do it last week I thought I would post a few pics of my last trip to Philly.
I'm going back there this spring so I thought it was somewhat appropriate!
If you want to see more hope on over to Jess' blog and enjoy some more pictures! :)


Have an absolutely awesome day! :)


Wishful Wednesday - 3 Minutes

Wishful Wednesday

This week's topic is

I wish...I could spend three minutes in ...'s shoes!

Do I know which one?
No freakin' way.
This really got me thinking and I have to say thank you Kelsey for this one.

This really got me thinking. A lot.
Maybe even wayyyyyy too much.
Usually the first name/person is the best.
But no. I have to go extreme. Write lists and such and compare and all that until I find...
...ok, no I didn't. But it still got me thinking.
I also got a headache and then tought...it can't be worse than what his head's going through...

You might like him or you might not.
I don't care.
I just would love to know how fast his head's spinning and what it must feel like to basically have this much power. Besides, I always complain about decision making and other banal things I'm sure after those three minutes I would really appreciate the simplicity of my life, and how careless I can live it. ;)

Happy Wishful Wednesday.

So, now hop on over to Kelsey's blog and look for other great bloggers, or hey, participate! :)


January 25, 2010

Create Yourself

I hope this quote is true.
I hope it not only says that in black and white but also means it that way.
I do need to create myself. Again.
I actually have created myself, and loved the outcome.
I lost it somewhere and am unable to find the missing components.

Monday morning blues is over.
Treated myself with some fun movie.
It's Complicated was what I needed.
Had to turn off the weep-alarm...I succeeded doing so.
Okay...the first picture starting the movie was tough. But it felt good to see it. :-)
I saw signs...and felt warmth surrounding me.

So going back to the above quote...
...love it. And will remind myself each day to do so.

Today I started using these two...


...not at the same time and so not together...but I love both of them.
Does this count as creating myself, too?! *creating my hair that is*

Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday!


Monday Blues

It's Monday. I'm again at work, and that without any proper sleep last night. I returned home at 11pm and went straight to bed. Had to. I had to get up at 5 again...so much for a good night's rest. So without further blah blah's from my side...I decided to lighten up my day (and also yours) with some pink things...ya know I love that color and I can't get enough of it. At least for right now. Who knows, this might change one day. But for today...not so much...
all via We ♥ It!

Three more weeks till Valentine's Day.
The only thing that excites me is the movie!!!!!! :)

And for whatever reason I simply don't feel like writing anything.
I never was a big writer, but I enjoy sitting down and typing whatever comes to my mind. For some reason this has stopped. That's also why you saw more pics and simple other stuff on this blog. I hope you get to read more of my silly stuff later on; at some point when I have more to say than "I don't like Valentine's Day" or "pink's one of my favorite colors". Yes, my life's not that interesting at the moment, so I apologize for my dullness. :(  I feel so empty inside. What happened?! Who knows.

But on the brighter side and YES there is a brighter side...I'll be visiting my friend, and cousins on the East Coast this spring. I have no idea how cold or warm it's going to be but I'll be there for the entire month of April. I'm stoked! Ok, maybe not as much as I should be. We all know I'd rather be some place else, but I think this trip needs to be done and it needs to be done right now. Yesterday evening I yahoo-online-chatted with someone back in the Los Angeles area and with teary eyes wrote/said I wasn't coming this Easter. My heart broke into pieces...millions. You have no idea how this felt. You may think I'm a total nutjob but this is true. Then I had an absolutely insane idea but it might work. It may not. It may just turn out completely different but I had an idea and mentioned this and the lovely yahoo-online-chat blinked back and the answer there was "selma, we miss you and we love you. you are family even though we're not 100% related. we used to, somehow. but you are family to us. and you have my support. i know it's not easy. but even at your age, you can and should do that. you are happy here in ca. and i know you miss it daily. your heart belongs here." 
Do I have to mention that I almost lost it and had to run to the bathroom?! YES.  
(note: if you haven't noticed, I cry easily and could weep for hours if need be! ;) so, call me a weeper but emotions are awesome. and feeling such great ones just shows how attached I can be or actually am.)

Besides the above online-chat emotional outbursts and all...the flight is booked to the East Coast and I'm going for an entire month. Call me nuts but that's what I did. I love to travel and haven't seen it all. Besides...a fun weekend in NYC is being planned too (this is a total must), and well...some other fun things....kinda wonder now how much it would cost me to quickly fly down to Florida?! .... just saying...once I start thinking about traveling and seeing friends again I can't stop...and my friend wants me to move down there so bad it's almost funny. Oops...she might even read this! Sorry girl, I know you don't take this too seriously.

And yes I freakin' love maps google. For what it's worth I love it. Some of you already know that due to my silly Sunday tweets...haha!!!! It's one amazing tool and it makes you happy and miserable at the same time, but I love it. First of all I went through all places in Philly, and then stopped and moved more west to the L.A. area...and wow...my heart melted big time when I could street view my area this time. Huge weep-alarm...but I could sort of hold it together. Sort of. Holy crap...I wonder if I'm over my summer misery and now finally hitting the real misery and my midlife crisis?! That would be a total shocker because I'm not that old. I'm still 24, at heart, ...and even though I am a tiny bit older than that...I'll always be 24!!!!! In a good and healthy way though. ;-)

Happy Monday my lovelies!!!!!
Your blogs kept me going this weekend.
And even though I wasn't very talkative or responsive or commenting much...I was here. :)

Wow, this post turned out longer than planned!


January 23, 2010

Puppy Love

Happy weekend everyone! Any fun things planned?!
Let me know, it will definitely cheer me up!

Me?! As you may know, poor little me has to work again. Actually I work every single Saturday and Sunday. No exception. It makes my life unpleasant. It makes my bank account go up in numbers (yes!) but that job of mine doesn't fulfill me. It doesn't fully satisfy me either. Don't get me wrong (and I'm sure I've written this before) I absolutely love working with all kinds of people and helping them. I love that I can juggle three languages in one minute and organize my cluttered desk after a while and feel as if I've accomplished something. But as international as this business may be (and as exciting to so many others) I think I'm done with it. I don't know. It's not the little pay I get (ok, I do wish I would get more but in the hospitality industry you just don't get that much) or the fact that my working hours are wack and my friendships dwindle. It's also not necessarily the fact that I'm alone and miserable and don't get to have lots of fun. *of course that's one major fact* It's just that I don't seem to live. You know the saying "live to the fullest" or something like that?! This is what's missing. I don't need 24/7 excitement or action, but I'd love to have some things going on in my life.
If I could (and yes I know I could) I would once write down what I do on a regular day so you would know what I mean. It's way too sad, so I won't. Should I change anything about it? Definitely. But it's not that easy.
But well...let me not go there...I rather stick to the happy part. At some point I will confess and jot it all down, because writing always helps, but not right now.

Thanks to Chloé (thank you, thank you, thank you) and the cute little puppy she put up on her blog yesterday I knew that I had to cheer me up with some pupply love...and to make this sad day and blog entry short and end quickly I better get to the point...I went to one my favorite sites these days...ya know  We ♥ It and typed in puppy...wanna know what I found?! YES, lots and lots of super cute and adorable puppy pictures...so made my day!



I feel so much better now!!!!!!


January 22, 2010

Friday Funny

Keeping Up With Kelly & Co

Kelly over at Keeping Up With Kelly & Co. is hosting this Friday Funny and I think it's a great way to end the week and start the so-called weekend. As for me, my weekend's just about to end and my week's about to start so it's all upside down which drives me nuts but hey, am I complaining? Sure. So not!

Basically it's a way to tell/show something funny/weird we encountered this past week...just to make this Friday go by faster and make it just funny. Ok, I can't come up with any other word than "funny". Let's face it, we all need FUN in our lives no matter what...and whether or not we like it we should be finding fun in pretty much everything we come across.

Easier said than done. Seriously. My week sucked and I can't come up with something funny. I haven't even received funny emails that would cheer me up or/and would be worth sharing. I haven't even experienced anything funny.... Do you see how lame and sad my life is?!  *and now you should be hearing me cry like a little baby!!!*
So I almost didn't want to participate even though I wanted to and thought it was just a very good way to enjoy any Friday! But how in the world can I ever participate when nothing funny in my life happens? Not even some fun email or status update on facebook or whatever?! I wondered. So I decided to sit back and watch TV. Commercials are always fun. My favorite just appeared. Yay! So, why not share this one?! And while I'm already on it...why not look for the longer, extended version hardly ever shown on TV or in the movie theaters?! And yes, I found it!!! Woohoo....
...after watching it, you may think I'm a total weirdo but I love this. :) Not to mention my addiction to coffee. Not particularly addicted to this coffee brand, but it's ok. Drinkable. But this extended version was fun. Yes, the subtitles are German...so you can learn something, too. ;) That's what the title says anyhow...learn English with commercials... Oh, and well, the quality I think could be better but I'm still gonna share it with ya. ;) It's Heaven!!! ;-)   And for those of you who've seen this already I apologize...lame weeks suck and I couldn't come up with anything else...but I promise to find funny/weird things next time...so let's all hope next week's going to be filled with more fun stuff!

Have a heavenly Friday!


Happy Friday!!!!

Yes, I know, Christmas is over. But this doesn't mean I can't make wishes and dream about them. Right?!

So for this early afternoon....these are my plans and wishes and dreams...

...go have my glasses fixed. They're about the fall apart and even though I would love to have new ones I love my current ones and don't want them to die right now. They're my lovely glasses, and make me look sophisticated and very smart, so I can't let that happen. I need them. Wish me luck.

...meet a friend for coffee, or something. A little chat is always good. It may cheer me up.

...maybe have another try finding my sweater/hoodie. I failed yesterday. Am not going to the mall today. Maybe I wasn't looking in every corner and on every shelf and didn't see it?! Oh well. If I don't find it (and it just so feels like that) I'll save money which is good, because we all know we *I* need that.

...get me some cash. I have only 2 CHF left in my wallet and that's really it. 2!!! Wth? And since I love cash (yes, I do) I better get me some. Fast.
If you were wondering what CHF stands for...it's Swiss Francs...and it sort of just equal to the $, so 2 CHF means $2! I'm rich. :D

That's about it for today. At least for now.


I keep dreaming...it's what keeps me going today!


January 21, 2010

And it goes to.....yup, me!

The beautiful and funny Kelly over at Keeping up with Kelly & Co. gave me this terrific award...it sure feels like our own little Golden Globes award! Thanks a lot girl. If you haven't checked her out, you're definitely missing out!!! 

Here are the rules:
-Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
-Copy the award & place it on your blog.
-Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
-Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself.
-Nominate 7 bloggers.
-Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

You all know I've listed quite some things about me in the past few days, weeks, or maybe months. So, I'm trying not to repeat myself.  Maybe I just go deeper into each and every single thing I mentioned before?! Maybe not. We'll see. Here it goes...

1) I collect things. Ok, quite normal. But when your kitchen shelves harbor up to 50+ mugs it's getting crazy. This is not normal, but I can't control myself. I have a horrible addiction slight thing for mugs, mainly Starbucks city mugs. They're huge but I love them. If I could I'd buy one from every major city. Luckily I stopped myself in Heidelberg, Germany....I wanted to buy one and thought twice about it and now I just have another one. Still from Heidelberg but not from Starbucks. I do owe two huge ones from Los Angeles though. ;)  I don't have space anymore for any additional mugs that may come along - and trust me, they will come along...It's my little sickness.

2) In addition to mugs, I also collect DVDs...of selected TV series. Insane. I know. Expensive, too. Years ago I started with the Friends' DVD collection...I bought every single season, except for the last two ones because they weren't out in stores then. My awesome friend K. sent me the rest, and I'm so proud of that collection. Now it's Brothers & Sisters, and One Tree Hill and some others....I so need to stop this. But it's good when you're stuck at home being sick and all. This is the best way to cure anything!

3) I'm one of those people who loves doing laundry. I love to sort my huge hamper and divide my laundry into colors...white, black/blue, red/purple, pink, gray/beige, socks/underwear, towels, jeans, too many colors. ;) Certain clothes I can't wash with others so I need to wash them separately and all alone. And most of my clothes go into washing bags, so they're slightly protected. Sometimes it's weird. Sometimes it's also funny... I feel as if my clothes are my babies!!! I want to protect them and make them live forever.

4) I don't like folding my clothes but it's a necessity. I love to stack my things though (and yes, I do organize my clothes according to color and style). And I make sure that I pair my socks correctly and also make sure I lay them next to each other to dry. Note to all of you, I don't have a dryer. So, to me it's crucial to have my socks "sit" and "wait" together until they're dry. Same goes for any other small and delicate items. ;) Remember, they're my babies. ;)

5) Grammar. I loved it and I still love it. I have lots of books on English grammar and all that...it so fascinates me. I used to read them before I went to bed. I also once started reading my dictionary. Absolutely insane I know, but that's what I did. And yes, I was a nerd in high school...always aced my English tests. ;) Always failed German and French though. Ok, kidding...I passed all of them, with good grades...but still...English grammar was my very first love (after all, it all started in second grade! - woohoo).
And yes, I still make mistakes, and I still make/have typos in my writing mainly because my mind goes way faster than my typing and well...that pretty much sums it up. I haven't brought them onto the same level - yet. One day maybe. ;)

6) Speaking of languages...I grew up speaking Swiss-German, and German, had my first encounter with English when I was one, and my first encounter with Turkish when I was two, and oh yeah, my first encounter with Italian when I was about six. In high school I took Italian (dropped it though after one year because I wanted to focus on French, which didn't go well though), and in college I took Japanese. I also took Korean (but it didn't last that long), and am still working on my poor Turkish. There's this giant grammar book right next to my bed....

7) I have a weird great sense of orientation. I love reading maps. And I don't have a problem going back to a place after a few years and still remember how to get to certain areas/streets/places. This never occured to me until my godmother pointed this out a few years back. Big cities are my thing...I don't get confused at all. Plus I orient myself quite easily...with the help of clothing stores, gas stations, etc etc etc. Gotta love that!!! :)

After reading all of this...please don't judge, and please don't think I'm a super dork. Ok, maybe I am. But I'm still a normal girl who collects things, loves certain colors and chores, and needs to have her horizon broadened each day...with whatever comes along...new book, new movie, new word, new mug, new clothes, new historical fact, new story etc etc etc.... I'm no crazy person, nor do I make stuff up. I might not tell everything at once, nor be very precise BUT I'm me. Just very regular and just oh so common....we all have it in us, we just need to find us! I'm still looking for the other half of me....

And now I'm going to pass this award onto the following beautiful ladies:

Tinka @ Germarican
Jennifer @ Crazy Shenanigans
Chloé @ Sean ♥ Chloé
Erin @ Living and Loving in L.A.
Mara @ M Loves M
Jenni @ She's Getting Married
Annie @ Chapters of our life

I think I'm done.
Yes I am.
So I can harvest my cabbage now. Oh yes, have I ever mentioned I absolutely adore FarmVille?! Gotta love Facebook just for that tiny distraction in my life...and I love my purple fences and awesome looking trees, too. Woohoo...:)

Ok, enough said.
I'm done. I need to sleep...like right now.


Bar. Sun. Sweater. Huh?!

The sun just came out. It totally makes my day!
It's still super cold outside. It even snowed last night.
I went out for the first time this year, and in so long....I think last time I went out was in September 2009!
YES, that long ago.
I don't know why but I think I don't need it anymore, nor want it anymore.
And even if, what I want and what I can get are two different things. It's life I guess. No?! Yes.

The club/bar/lounge was awesome. My style. And whatever we had was so cheap. Special discount Wednesday! Yay on that one. And our waiter/bartender wasn't as bad either...at least some eye candy to look at and look for in case of some liquid emergency. ;-) It wasn't all that bad either to walk home on fresh snow. Loved it. However, I'm definitely looking forward to some warmer weather. Wanna wear my huge sunglasses again. ;)

My title today says...bar (check), sun (check), and sweater....and yes, I do need to get me a new one. Not that I wouldn't have like 25 of them already. Two weeks ago I bought a warm and fuzzy purple sweater and love it. I want to get another color now. I'm that obsessed with it. It's warm, it's very cute, and I could wear it at home and during spring time. It's a hoodie with a zipper and the best one so far. As I said I've got like a ton of them in my tiny closet (and by tiny I do mean tiny...really tiny...I can't close the door anymore...) but most of them are either gray and boring, or from college, or souvenirs (like my awesome YALE sweater) and I just need a new one...have I mentioned I'm obessed with sweaters?! ;) So, yes, the sun's out and I'm about to get out and get me a new one....H&M here I come!!!! And I don't even like that store anymore. Oops.

And since I can't come up with anything fun anymore....as if I ever did...here's one of my favorite quotes...from one of my favorite books. This now reminds me my friend has this book. Read it yet?! Come on?!!!!

Speak the way you eat. Say it like you eat it. When you are searching for the right words, keep your language as simple and direct as roman food. Don't make a big production out of it. Just lay it on the table.

from Eat.Pray.Love.

Gotta love that book.
Gotta love Audrey Hepburn.
Gotta love Thursdays!

Have a good one everyone!


January 20, 2010

Where in the World Wednesday

So, I was sort asked to participate by the beautiful lady over at Classy in Philadelphia...and honestly, I always wanted to because I think it's fun, and it sort of gives you all an idea on my whereabouts...but oops...I don't have that many pictures with me in them. Yes, you read right...I may take pictures, and sometimes way too many (and as stupid as this may sound I sometimes don't want to share these because...well, because I just don't think they're worth it...or whatever), and well...'lots of pictures' doesn't necessary mean lots of pictures with me. Yes. Sad I know. But it's what it is. Plus, I'm not photogenic either. Oh, but I was told it is okay...just pictures...from wherever...so here you go....haha.

You may all think since I live in Europe I get to travel like crazy. I don't. It just seems that way. I wish I could go away every weekend, or every time I have time off (like Wed, Thu, and Fri). I could go to Paris, or quickly to Milan, or Austria...I did do the Germany trips (and they're great, because I get to go shopping too...they have more things than we do and their prices are so darn low I want to cry again...why is everything is super expensive here????). Anyways...I digress....so, even though I don't get to travel much and haven't seen much of this world I can share a few pictures...and now I just chose to share some of Barcelona. I went there last summer with my dear and cute friend S. It's been one of my favorite cities. I lack the language, but that didn't stop me from having fun. Besides they always thought we were from there, so it's cool. ;)
Let's see if I can find appropriate pictures...you may have seen them or similar ones already here and here.


So, there you go...my ugly face in this spectacular city!!!!! :D Can you see my giant water bottle I'm holding, too?! Gosh, I drank so much that day...and why am I going for the peace sign?! Really.
Thanks to my friend I found a few pics with me in them. ;)
Have an amazing day.


P.s. this was fun. I might do this more often....;)

Wishful Wednesday - Golden Globes Gown

Wishful Wednesday

Yes, it's Wednesday again and this means it's time for Kelsey's Wishful Wednesday series.
This week the topic is...

I wish...I could have worn the gown that SANDRA BULLOCK wore at the 67th Annual Golden Globes Award!

Need I say more?!
It's purple!!!!!
It's Sandra Bullock!
No further comment.

So go on over to Kelsey's amazing blog and see what others had to say.

Happy Wednesday.


January 18, 2010

A lonely winter morning

Exactly one year ago I was walking through the streets of Philadelphia.
It was cold, it was snowing, it was all so very new, and I loved it.
If I go back in time, and look at the date (and in my diary) I would know that I would have actually been at someone's home attending a Pampered Chef Party. I was still jet lagged and it was funny just sitting around and listening to everything. I was not really there yet...my head and body thought I was nuts being awake cooking something and all. It was a Sunday evening. And yes, I remember it was snowing. Beautifully.
Though, if it really was Monday...and not Jan. 18, I would have been walking through Philadelphia. :)

Can't believe it's now really one year...time sure flies.
I'm listening to my music on iTunes and guess what song's just playing?!
Goodbye Philadelphia by Peter Cincotti. *obvioulsy why I write about the city*
I love this song. A. Lot.
Some would say it's rather a sad one, and it maybe is...but it's also quite inspirational.
So, there you go...it's my Monday evening inspiration!!!!

I never thought I would like Philly. Really. But I did. It will never ever top my favorite city in the whole wide world, but it's still a place I would love to return to again, and again. Maybe even this April. Haven't fully decided yet. I'm sure my friend would slap me for writing this but I can't decide. I should. Soon. I think this is one of those many negative things a born Gemini has to live with...haha!!!! I simply can't make up my mind which has made my life not a very easy one sometimes. ;-)

So, let's hope I do decide soon. Plane tickets are cheaper than ever before. And, well, as much as I would love to visit family and friends in southern California, I think this spring I'm going to pass and try something new. Does this make me a bad person?

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.

Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)

Have a brilliant day/night!

One more day, and I can enjoy my weekend. ;-) Yay!!!!
Plans?! None. Just sleep in every day, and maybe go shopping (ha, I wish), and well...sleep...oh I wrote that already...and well, bake (hopefully), and sleep!



Woohoo. I feel blessed.
Tinka over at Germarican, the life of a German girl who fell in love with an American boy gave me this fabulous award. My first this year! :D Thanks a lot girl.And if you haven't checked her blog out, head on over! :D

And since I've got nothing better to do...

The rules are I have to tell you 10 fabulous things about me. I then pass it forward to other lady bloggers I admire. 
And yes, that's gonna be a toughy.

For a while now I have been giving out clues about what I like or dislike or live with or whatever...so this is going to be tricky. And, a while back, when I reached 20 lovely followers I decided to do a little list, too, and then sort of said when I get 100 I will do one with 100 little clues about me. Oh boy. Don't want to repeat myself on these...so I have to work on getting to know me better until then. YES. ;) So stay tuned.

But let me begin now...

1. I can't stand liver. I know it's supposed to be good and apparently healthy but I can't stand it.

2. Polka Dots are my favorites...in any kind of color (of course I'd prefer purple and pink).

3. In elementary school I got punished for speaking too much. :-(  As a punishment I had to learn poems and present them the following day. This was never an easy task, but good practice for my non-existing film career. ;-)

4. When I read, I live for that book and with that book. I'm in there, and whatever happens touches me and makes me cry like a baby.

5. I feel pretty lonely sometimes. More so now than years ago. However, and this may sound pathetic, the internet is a good enthusiasm booster!!!

6. I love snail mail and little things sent to me. Especially when I don't expect anything...and woohoo there's this envelope or box waiting for me and making me open it and wow!!!! The crappiest day automatically becomes the best day ever!!

7. Can't get enough of new words. Whether I know them or not, once I hear a word I hadn't used/heard/read in months or years I'm going to be stuck with this word for the next couple of weeks. Sort of like songs you can't get out of your head...it's words for me, too. :) Can be quite interesting. And annoying. ;)
Oh, and this happens in any language. And this drives people insane. They can't stand me when this happens. Oops! :(

8. I'm pathetically and annoyingly irritated by my co-worker. Luckily I don't have to work WITH her (at the same time) but still see her for maybe maximum ten minutes when our shifts collide. Can't stand that either. This has gotten so bad I even got sick because of her. But oh well...

9. As much as I would like to deny it, I think I like my Twitter account. Still haven't figured it out yet, but I think it's really kind of fun! ;)

10. Blogging has become my new daily drug. Not that I'm obsessed, or any good, but it's what I like doing. It's what keeps me going and looking forward to fun reads and pictures. It shows there is hope for me...my summer/winter/whatever misery will come to an end (thanks to writing I think) and I will have this blog of mine to prove it. Ok, this didn't make any sense...it's just blogging has become my "therapist". LOL
I love my blog, and all my blog friends. Thanks! xoxoxoxo

For more answers to this award...click here!

So, and now I'm passing this one on to...

...and so many others...reason I'm not listing anyone else is this...as much as I love all of you I've already given this award to so many fabulous people before and to those I want to give it to they already received it (maybe even multiple times). We all deserve this award...so I decided to give it only to five great bloggers. Check them out. That is, if you haven't already.

Oh, and if you aren't on this list...don't feel bad. You still deserve this award because you're still a wonderful, and sweet person, with lots to say and share and you definitely make my day. If you aren't on that list, and still feel like doing this or listing things or whatever...you've got my blessings to do so. :)

Yes, you do!

Happy Monday everyone.

New week, new everything!
I'm so exhausted it's not even funny. Good th
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ing my shift's over soon...so I can go home, take a nap, and maybe find some cool pictures to brighten up my day. Or I'll catch up on the Globes. Couldn't watch due to the time distance, and the fact that I was asleep.  :-(
But tonight I can watch Desperate Housewives again! YAY! Oops...yes, it's one of my guilty pleasures! ;)



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